Tuesday 25 March 2014

Analyzing "What Have We Learned in #SOYER1314?"

Like every week , we have been working in groups for one of our last practices called "What have we learned in # SOYER1314 ? "

From my point of view as an Analyst, for the best part of the activity  I could say it has been able to make a brief summary of what we have learned in this period in the course and the amount of things that will store from now on in our backpack of knowledge.

The worst part in my opinion was to work with the new program called Moovly because at first any member of the group knew how to use it , so for all of us it was a completely new tool. But I must also say that slowly and investigating how this worked , things became more and more easy.

It's been a pretty tough week , an activity that carried a great job but on one hand the best moment of the week I think it was the time when we had to record the voice in off for our video. We were all a bit overwhelmed but I have to say that our star of this week, Mariano , always know how to see the good side of things. thanks to him I think everything was much easier

On the other hand I think the worst moment was when we thought we would not have time to finish it by the deadline but with a little effort, everything went as we expected.

we have learned how to use new tools and how to synthesized in only 1.30 min what we have learned in each practice of this course

To keep as a Group for the next weeks we need to rely on the work of all members of the group .

And to improve as a group for the next weeks we need not to always think about oneself and try to think as a group. At times we work brilliantly as a group but there are times , even if rarely , this does not happen .

And finally I think that all the content we have learned in this course are related. By this I mean that all the tools that we have learned to use such as Blogger, Twitter , Moovly ... will help us to became what we want in our future : good teachers !

From the analyst of this week: Ana de Lara Torrente

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