Wednesday 2 April 2014

Facilitator´s Work This Week "Changes in The Spanish Educational System"

As a facilitator of the work during this week, I have to say that at first I thought this experience would be a bit difficult because this activity had lot of work to do. I had to coordinate and organizate the practice for this week using some tools (expecialy "Canva") to make two different CMAPs.

For that reasson, I considered that the best option to organize the work and the way to make this conceptual maps, was dividing the group in two small groups; so the first one had to carry out the first topic: "The primary school" . The members of the group that were working on it were: Natalia Martínez, María José Atienzar and me. And Irene Martínez, Mariano Castillo, Javier Marín and Alicia Lova were working for the second topic: "Administration at educational institutions level".

By this way, everybody knew what had to do, a specific topic but also I have to say that all of us knew the contents about both topics but by this way we work quickly and with good results.

Once we investigate and work about all the information that we want to focus on the CMAPs Javi and Alicia, because of their knowledge about technological skills, made our fantastic conceptual maps.

Finally from my point of view ande once I've finished my role of the week, I have to say that the most important think we have to know before start with the practice is how we are going to organizate, so the facilitator have an essencial role. But we are a group that worked pretty well and I'm proud of it. It was better than I thought at first !!

The facilitator of this week:  Ana de Lara Torrente

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