Friday 11 April 2014

Translator's Work This Week - Build the questions for being included in the game

CO-EDUCATION : coeducation refers to the system of education where both men and women attend the same institution. Coeducation deals with institutions like schools and colleges which are usually attended by both genders.

CONSTITUTIONAL LAWthe body of law derived from a country's written constitution. It lays down and guides the duties and powers of the government, and the duties and rights of its citizens and residents.

SECTORIAL CONFERENCE OF EDUCATION: an authority of cooperation between the State and autonomous communities with an educational level.

CURRICULUM: The term curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a specific course or program. In dictionaries, curriculum is often defined as the courses offered by a school, but it is rarely used in such a general sense in schools. Depending on how broadly educators define or employ the term, curriculum typically refers to the knowledge and skills students are expected to learn, which includes the learning standards or learning objectives they are expected to meet; the units and lessons that teachers teach; the assignments and projects given to students; and many other things.

SPANISH EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM: Is the set of educational authorities, education professionals and other agents, public and private, to develop regulatory functions, funding or providing services for the exercise of the right to education in Spain, and holders this law, as well as a set of relationships, structures, measures and actions implemented to lend.

TRANSLATOR: Irene Martínez Bermúdez

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