I am the star this week, so I have to include some evidence of our work in the blog.
This week we have worked in a new activity which relies on a document that explains the Organization of the Spanish Educational System (for references, see the Curator-Farmer post).
Here, we have learned five topics but my group and me only had to work in two topics, the first one is called "The Primary School" and the second one "Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level I".
In the first topic, "The Primary School", we find four diferent parts:
• Aim and General Objectives
• Schools providing Primary Education
• Education Policy
• Legislative References
And in the second topic called "Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level I" we find a subtopic "Administration at educational institutions level" where we have worked on "Non-university institutions" which has three sections:
•Pedagogical and Curricular Organisation
•Organisational Management
We have made a conceptual map of each one (with Canva software), where we included the changes, modification and extra informacion from LOE to LOMCE.
We prepared both conceptual maps for Monday, but in the class, the teacher distributed all the maps with the same content between different groups.
My group had to work on the topic "The Primary School", along with the supervisors (THE LITTLE ANTS, which helped with the ratings of our Cmap and those from the other groups). At this time, we had to collect all maps, that is, maps of my classmates (T8T and Brainstorming) about the same topic and our own map, in order to improve the content of our conceptual map. We, as a group, believe that we can always enhance our work and learn from our peers, so we never think that our work is superior to the rest of our classmates.
So we review the subject from other groups and compare it with our map. Thus, we corrected our mistakes as we redrafted the map.
This is the result:
But firstly, we want you to know some informations to understand the our C-Maps:
On the map we find different colors:
ORANGE represents the different sections
YELLOW means permanence, that is, what maintains the LOGSE from the LOE
RED means change, extension or modification, that is, what the LOGSE has changed from the LOE
GRAY is supplementing information.
Secondly, I am going to explain each part of "The Primary School" mindmap.
1. In the first point called "Aim and general objectives", we find two diferents articles which have some distinct things, Articles 16 and 17.
In the Art.16."General principles" there are three sections, but only the second part has been modified:
b) The purpose of primary education is provide students the learning of speaking, listening, reading, writing, numeracy, acquisition of basic notions of culture and habit of living as well as those of study and work, artistry, creativity and emotions, in order to ensure comprehensive training that contributes to the full development of the personality of the students and also prepararing children from high school.
In the Art. 17, "Objectives of primary education", there are different sections (from a to n), but only three are modified:
b) To develop individual and team work, effort and responsibility for the study, as well as attitudes of self-confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, creativity and interest in learning, and entrepreneur spirit.
h) Learning the fundamentals of Natural Science, Social Science , Geography, History and Culture.
j) Use representation and artistic expression and start the construction of visual and audiovisual proposals.
In the second point, called "Schools providing Primary Education", we find Art. 111, 114, and 116.
In the Article 111 called "Designation of Public Schools," a new Art.111 bis is added, "Information and Communication Technologies".
The Art. 114 "Private Centers-Denomination" is equal in LOGSE.
In the Art. 116.8, "Charter schools", we can see a difference: The educational authorities may call for public tenders construction and management of private schools over public land.
On the third point, "Education Policy" , we found some articles that have changed: Art. 20, 21, 59 and 122.
Article 20, "Evaluation During the stage":
The Art 20.4 LOGSE is about: Special attention to the students, the realization of early diagnosis tests and the establishment of mechanisms to reinforcement school success.
In the Art. 20.3 sets: Assessment to all student at the end of the third year of primary education, for checking the adquisition of basic skills (lenguage and mathematical). If failed, teaching team will take appropiate actions, as repetition of 3rd year.
Article 21, "Final evaluation of Primary education". Here the Art. 21.1. stablishes: Assessment to all student at the end of the third year of primary education, for checking the adquisition of basic skills. If failed, it will have no academics effects. It´s only informative and for guidance.
In the Art. 59.1. Basic Intermediate and Advanced Levels correspond with Levels A, B and C (subdivided into A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2.)
The Art. 122 "Resources" adds a new Art. bis, called "Actions to promote the quality of schools" which stablishes the use of ICT.
In the last point "Legislative references" we selected the references:
a) BOE, no. 295. December 10th 2013.
b) BOE, no. 52. March 1st 2014.
On the other hand, we also do the concept map of the topic"Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level I" . On this map we can also see the color pattern, which have the same meaning as the previous conceptual map (and the design plays with the Spanish flag colors).
We hope the maps are clear and easy to understand and learn from them!
STAR: Natalia Martínez Alcázar
PD: A huge THANK YOU to the other groups, especially THE LITTLE ANTS.