To make this assignment we have chosen 5 words/concepts from a list and we have illustrated them. These concepts are:Learning, Teaching, Future, Success and Belligerent. We have decided to put these words because they seem easy to illustrate and fun to other classmates to find them out. Although we thought it was easier to understand these concepts using pictures, we have preferred to represent them through drawings, because at the beginning of this activity we had a very clear idea about how to represent this kind of concepts; and we also considered them more "artistic".
We have employed messages (words, numbers, phrases) throughout the drawings to set up the concepts and to avoid possible mistakes (When I grow up, Fight the power ...).
We have noticed that the group who had the task to relate concepts and words drawn of our drawings has not had much difficulty; however, one of the answers was wrong (Indignantly instead of Belligerent). We think that this mistake is because of they are two terms that can be easily confused by just seeing the picture we have done. We will try to be clearer in the future.
This has been a very interesting practice. We have tried to illustrate concepts that are a bit abstract; and in the process, we have seen how a symbol can be illustrated in different ways without using spoken language.
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